How to Get the Most Out of Your Vacation Rental Software
Have you ever wondered, "Am I getting the most I can from my vacation rental software?" Today, we are going to give you five tips for maximizing your work flow while minimizing your effort in the Virtual Resort Manager system.
Here at VRM, we know that your time is very valuable and that most of you wear many hats within your business. Our goal is help you save time during your day by using tools within VRM that are already available to you. To help you do this, we asked the VRM Training and Support Team to give us five features within the VRM system that they feel are extremely useful but perhaps underutilized.
Take time to read through these five tips from the vacation rental management software pros, and you will be on your way to saving and increasing your efficiency.
Daily and Weekly Procedures Checklist
While the VRM software does a lot for our clients automatically, it is still important for our clients to keep up with what is happening in the system. Staying on top of things along the way will make closing out a month much easier. We have an entire checklist of things we suggest doing each day and each week. Adding this simple checklist to your daily and weekly routine, as a company, could not only save you time but also a lot of headache at month's end.
End of Month Procedures
When it comes time to pay your owners, vendors, and management company at the end of a month, you need to be sure the money that is being paid out matches what was taken in. Does your account match what you and the owners are expecting to see. Expensing your accounts and cutting checks is easy. However, it can be much quicker if you take a little extra time to go through our End of Month Procedures before cutting checks. You could save yourself a lot of back
peddling and questions. We suggest you go through the End of Month Procedures on the first day of the month following the month you are closing out. This will ensure that any distributions that take place the last day of the month, when the nightly jobs run, are included in your figures.
VRM can accept eChecks as a payment method. Some of our clients might not know that there is a way to check the eCheck payments they receive to be sure they are being processed correctly. Click on the blue box to get full instructions on posting eCheck payments. This document will show you how to comparing what gets posted in VRM with what is at the eCheck gateway.
Compare Settled Credit Card Payments
Another tip from our Training & Support staff is to compare settled credit card payments with what gets posted within VRM. It seems like some of our clients are not aware they can login to the VroooomPay Gateway to be sure their credit card payments have settled. Doing this will help ensure they are receiving the money they are expecting into their bank accounts. Click on the tan box for full instruction.
Welcome Home
Welcome Home is a great way to communicate with guests through a variety of different avenues. There are two versions of Welcome Home: Welcome Home Lite and Welcome Home Complete. All clients have Welcome Home Lite automatically as part of the VRM software. Welcome Home Lite gives clients the ability to reach their guests through email. Upgrading to the Complete version adds the ability to send text messages, as well as post information to the Guest Extranet.
Now you are armed with five great ways to save yourself a little time and increase your productivity. We would love to hear how these functions and features are working for you! If you have a VRM tip that you would like to share, we are all ears. Leave us message!
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